Doing What I Love!

It has been a minute since I updated my blog, and that is because I have been so busy doing what I absolutely love. Artistically creating mind blowing scenes, playing with those I have deep chemistry with, and constantly pushing those who come to serve me.

Come find out what all the hype is about. What are you waiting for? I have my own high end, fully equipped studio in Philadelphia, and also frequent Boston and New York City. 

Mistress Cayne,

What an incredible day, thank you so much! It was exactly what I needed, and was ultimately hoping for. 

I just had my first meal of the day, and my jaw immediately reminded me what it went through yesterday — awesome!

I mentioned yesterday it was the most intense I could remember. What was so intense was the back and forth — my mind couldn’t figure out whether to enjoy or brace for impact 🙂 Pushing me to my edge was perfect and helped me get into headspace. 

The electric itself was perfect too, in so many ways — just enough of the spikes to be a bit painful at times, but pleasurable too. At times the electric actually felt like a hand moving, which was amazing. 

You kept me guessing the whole time, I never got comfortable for very long with any predicament. You are truly a master of your craft. 

Thank you so much.

Important News from MVC

Hi All,

It has been a minute since I last posted here, but there are a lot of things changing in the world of MVC. First of all, thank you all who have been along for the journey for the past 19 years! I have conquered Chicago, Boston, DC, Philadelphia, and touched many other places along the way. Next up… is New York City!

For the past four years, I have had the pleasure of sharing the space with one of the most inspirational, brilliant, and amazing women I have ever encountered in my life, let alone had the privilege and pleasure of working with, Ava St. Marks. She opened her space to me, and we always seriously joked,”you are the one I have been looking for, my entire career.” That couldn’t have been truer. Throughout these years, my career and passion for all things kink have blossomed, and I am always grateful for the joyous transformations that have occurred.

That being said, all good things must come to an end, and her retirement has been inevitable for the past while. As of now, the future of the space we shared is TO BE DETERMINED, and THE LAST SESSIONS TAKING PLACE THERE ARE OCTOBER 30, 2019. There is a slight possibility things may be able to work out so I can continue to play there, but they all involve circumstances out of my control, so I am not counting on that. I am making arrangements for other options in the greater Philadelphia area. I have neither the interest nor the time to opening my own space in Philadelphia at this time, mainly due to my travel schedule.

Moving forward, I am pleased to say I am going to be taking sessions in New York City all of November and December! I will also be making trips to Boston and Philadelphia. I still own my home in the Philadelphia area, and am not planning on moving any time soon, but my availability is going to be limited in Philadelphia during the next couple of months. However, I love playing with a lot of Philadelphia toys, so I will not forget you.

I have not determined where I will be mainly based as of January 2020.

Basically, what this means:

1.) I am not retiring! Your best chance to remain a priority for me to see is to be consistent with your appointments and plan ahead.

2.) If you would like to session with me, one final time in Ava and my space, you have until OCTOBER 30, 2019 to do so. 

3.) I am going to be primarily based in New York City in November and December 2019.

4.) I do not know exactly where I will be conducting appointments in the Philadelphia area after October 30, 2019. I more than likely will have a few options, and during the months of November and December, I will be accepting advance bookings only and treating it more of a “visiting” city.

5.) Moving forward, I am going to still be available in Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston. Longer sessions always catch my attention more.

Rapturous Enthrallment

A short while ago, I had the privilege of serving MVC during Her recent tour to NYC. MVC tours regularly to Boston, Washington DC, and Chicago but this was Her first official tour to New York and I was honored for the chance to spend time with Her!

Ahead of Her arrival I was instructed to lock myself in chastity and make sure to have charged the powerful Bluetooth buttplug that only She has control over… so I knew I was in for a desperate couple of days! 😉

At the end of the first day of MVC’s tour at out of one of New York’s finest professional dungeons, I had the joy of treating Her to a plentiful spread of Turkish food from a nearby restaurant. Those who have sessioned with MVC know that she cares about chemistry first and foremost, and I have come to cherish O/our time catching up and connecting before and after a scene as much as I do the incredible sessions themselves.

Given the late hour, it seemed prudent to save the more strenuous tortures for the following evening when W/we were both better rested. For now, I was instructed to undress and lay prone on the ground beneath Her so She could use my face as a footrest for Her tired feet after a long day in the dungeon. As MVC pressed Her feet firmly down, I found myself unconcerned by my own comfort or the passage of time. All that mattered was I was there to serve my Mistress, and as long as She was comfortable and at ease so too was I.

I remained locked that night—the key to my cage securely out of my possession. And though I expected a rough, sleepless night given my predicament: I was pleasantly surprised when I had one of the soundest night sleeps I’d ever had… cage or no cage! In MVC’s words, “I was right where I belonged” and with that came a sense of total contentment.

Of course, the following evening I had my mind blown as only MVC can when she turns all Her creative attentions to the sweet suffering of one of Her subjects. Having been plugged all evening the night before during dinner, Mistress instructed me to use the larger Bluetooth toy that had been charged in anticipation of Her arrival. Still locked, MVC conducted my ass like a symphony from an adjacent room as I knelt on the floor awaiting Her arrival.

Upon entering the room, MVC proceeded to completely bind me from head-to-toe. I lay on the ground entirely entombed in the embrace of her leather body bag (one of my favorites). Straps, hand and feet mitts, and a hood all added to my helplessness. The next hour consisted of an exquisite mixture of pleasure and pain; tease and denial. A blur of increasingly challenging electrics, foot smothering, and vibration. By the end, I was a gibbering, smiling mess of a slave, floating down from a cloud of subspace. Grateful to be used; grateful to be owned.

And as I reflect fondly now on that kinky night, I find myself once again locked… straining against the cruel yet familiar bars of a custom, steel cage I acquired at MVC’s direction… Once again awaiting the chance a few days from now to present myself to Her to serve and be used however She wishes. I wouldn’t want it any other way…

This is what it means to be where I belong. This is what it means to be under the rapturous enthrallment of Miss Victoria Cayne.

Have some cake with your submission

Here’s another account from slave a on one of O/our recent sessions. Enjoy!

Kneeling on the floor: collared, locked in chastity, that familiar feeling of subspace encroaching as the sound of Mistress’s boots descending the dungeon stairs fills the room…

MVC had asked me some new ways I wanted to be pushed in this particular session, and I had reluctantly disclosed that I had always had a fascination with trying sploshing. And so, I was commanded to stop at the grocery store on the way to the dungeon and pick up some supplies. Now with the session beginning, I had no idea how MVC’s creative, wicked, and boundless imagination would put to use the items I had brought.

When MVC was satisfied I had paid adequate attention to worshiping Her stunning thigh-high boots, She wasted no time in securing me to a piece of bondage furniture using an expert combination of ropes, straps, and elastic netting. This left me ready to be used as She saw fit.

After, I was unbound and instructed to lie on the floor. An electric toy was then dialed to as high as I could withstand. It was only then that MVC’s devious plans for the cake I had brought became known to me…

MVC had decided to add a twist to the usual stinky foot worship included in O/our scenes. Not only would I be forced to smell Her feet, but afterwards I would have to clean the frosting from the cake completely off of them. Being forced to lick the overly sweet frosting only to encounter the occasional salty patch was horrible, gross, degrading… and yet now a forever cherished memory.

All this continued until MVC had been thoroughly satisfied and I lay on the ground completely defeated.

Finally after being given a moment to compose myself, I was allowed to shower before being sent on my way… locked back up until MVC decided otherwise!

More Fun with J

This dear toy of Mine has been serving Me for many months. He strives to be the best toy for Me he can possibly be, in and out of scene. His devotion to Me is exquisite and deeply treasured. Each and every time, I make sure his bottom matches his equally rosy cheeks, which I manifest by erotically embarrassing him… thank you, J!

Before I begin my praise of Miss Victoria Cayne’s beauty and skills in discipline, I want to thank her for her recommendation of Wreck n Roll’s beard oil. I purchased Public Enemy No. 1 Beard Oil based upon her comments on Twitter. I only needed to see that it “excites and pleases” her and I was placing my order. Miss Victoria Cayne’s taste is impeccable! This product is of very high quality. Smooth, fragrant and comfortable to apply. It contains vitamins to soothe the skin and a tobacco fragrance to lend a masculine scent among the traces of almond and avocado oils.

I am enthralled with Miss Victoria Cayne. I’m anticipating some well deserved discipline from her in a few weeks in Boston. My past sessions with her have instilled in me a sense of awe in her ability to inflict pain and discipline with a caring follow-up. Her spankings are thrilling and punishing. My bottom, under her firm hand, is reddened and stinging. She orders me into a very submissive position when inspecting me and preparing me. I have never felt so vulnerable as I do at that time. Embarrassed, exposed, lying still while awaiting her is an experience that I look forward to with timid and excited anticipation. My surrender to her is exquisite. I know that in my upcoming session, my lack of consideration in the past will be dealt with severely and it is my need to accept it and embrace this act of corrective behavior before moving on as a humbled submissive devoted to her. I hope to emerge from her discipline and pleasure in exposing me completely as a better person and client of hers. Pain and humility lead to respect under proper tutelage and I recognize my good fortune in being allowed to be taught and reformed by Miss Victoria Cayne.

Roleplay with J

I have been playing with J, for many months now, and although I have pushed them very far in many directions, this was the first time we opted for a role play…it continues below…

Be careful what you wish for 😉 Thank you so much for the fun time always, J.

“The door creaked open, and I heard the shoes march in before I could do anything.  Sure enough, her biting words rang out; “Oh my God, what are you doing?!”

“N-nothing” I say, frantically trying to put my hard cock back in my pants, while pausing the porn video I had up on my computer screen.  The secretary had walked in on me at the worst possible time.

“That doesn’t look like nothing,” she said to me harshly.  And then, to my dismay, she moved forward, seizing control of the situation.  Confidently, aggressively, she demanded “Show me what you’re watching.”  Despite my racing heartbeat, there was no escaping things now.  She was right by my side, leaning over me to see the screen.  She saw the video there, with a dominant woman bending her submissive over.  My face turned beet red with embarrassment, and I begged her not to tell anyone else in the office what she had seen.  She knew – she now held the power.

Her words bit into me again, resonating deep within me, causing me to tremble with fear, humiliation and arousal: “If you want me to keep quiet, then we’re going to do this my way.  You’re going to tell me all your fantasies, and I’m going to use them against you.  Now, strip!”

With no other option but to obey, my clothes were off and I was there to serve Miss Victoria, praying that I would perform well enough that she wouldn’t turn me in to my boss.  I revealed my fantasies. And true to her word, each of these became reality.  Miss Victoria discovered my stash of sissy clothes in my bag and made me dress for her.  She bent me over the desk and punished me, repeatedly spanking me.  My ass cheeks turned red while she forced me to watch more of the porn video and describe what I liked about it.  As words tumbled out of my mouth, Miss Victoria’s hold on me grew stronger, giving her still more information to hold over my head, to humiliate me, and make me do as she wished.

Next, she moved me to the bed, restraining me and locking me into place.  After further punishment strokes, I was allowed to rub and massage Miss Victoria’s feet. I was there to serve her needs, even the most basic ones.  Still restrained and in place with no way to escape, she towered over me. My mind tried and failed to comprehend the emotions that coursed through me as I lay there.  Subject to this demeaning and humiliating act, yet paradoxically feeling honored, privileged, even blessed to serve in this way.

The verdict was in: Miss Victoria informed me that I had performed well – that she would not tell anyone about what she had seen me doing on company time.  As I floated in and out of subspace, she told me this was now our ritual.  By day we could go through the motions of boss and secretary.  By night though, I would kneel before her.  I had become her toy, her submissive, her slut.”