A’s First time Locked in Chastity for Me…

Again, we are continuing the path of trust and exploration outside of Our scenes. Chastity is something that greatly excites Me…A’s journey has just begun…to be continued…

It’s been exactly seven days and seven nights since the lock clicked shut on my chastity cage. It all seemed to happen so fast. I’d fallen asleep watching a movie on my laptop and when I awoke at midnight I had an email from Miss Victoria Cayne instructing me to put my cage on and not remove it until she instructed. We’d been talking about it for months… And though it certainly had been an erotic fantasy of mine to relinquish control of my orgasms to a trusted Domme, little had prepared me for dealing with the actual realities of the situation I now found myself in. I was scared. Even though I knew my predicament would not be permanent, it felt like one of those ‘turning moments’ in life. For better or worse, this experience would change me somehow. It was a classic “Be careful what you wish for”, but I knew I was in safe and caring hands with Miss Victoria Cayne.

I hurriedly tried to do a bit of grooming–since I knew I may not have access down there again before I saw MVC in a little over a week–and on it went… *click*

All of my initial impressions of wearing the cage had been positive. I wasn’t sure what it would feel like or if I would like it, but it instantly gave me many of the comforting feelings that heavy bondage does. The first night was a challenge though. It mostly had to do with adjusting my sleeping position so as not to put direct weight on the cage. Eventually, I passed out from exhaustion–but I awoke a few times throughout the night straining or needing to adjust.

A breaking point came on the third night. I woke up around 5:30 in the morning–not because I had accidently rolled over onto the cage–but because I was rock hard. I felt myself straining against the bars and a sticky wetness was leaking all over my sheets. My body was in anguish, screaming for release–but my barely conscious mind felt almost euphoric. I tried to focus on my breathing to try and calm myself down so that I could fall back asleep. To my surprise and delight, I found myself whispering with each exhale: “This is where I belong…. This is where I belong…” It was as I expected: this experience was changing me.

So much of my experience with MVC has been this way. Before I met her, all my experiences with Dommes had been positive–but they had always been about exploring a particular fetish or unwinding before or after a stressful project at work. I’ve never felt before like a deep connection was being made. Like my Mistress was really learning who I was along with me on this journey.

Wearing this cage has been trying in many ways, but it has also seemed to give me a glimpse at “the real me”. Despite choosing a profession that requires assertiveness and leadership, I’d always felt submissive. (Some of my earliest elementary school memories are of trying to coax the girls on the playground to tie me up with the jump ropes at recess and a teacher having to untie me from a tree…) But I have never discussed these feelings with friends. And it’s not really something I had ever had the courage to talk about in my prior relationships.

Before being locked in chastity, kink was something I thought I could try and ‘pick up’ and ‘put down’. Now I was literally walking around with it 24/7, and feeling a sense of peace in my sexuality that I’ve never really felt before. Mistress said it right on her blog: “She has put me in the exact place where I need to be to know not only this is what she desires, but where I belong.”

I guess if I’m really being honest with myself, it’s not that I want to be locked in this cage forever…. In fact in many ways: I’m completely frantic to get out! I’ve never felt this turned on, teased, desperate, and denied in my life. It’s the longest I think I’ve gone without touching myself since I realized as a kid that touching myself was pleasurable!

So it’s not that I’ve realized that I need the cage on always. It’s that I’ve come to realize that I’m really always a submissive. That I find extreme pleasure in serving. Being in chastity is just one possible manifestation of that. Submission is not just something I like or find fun –(I like chocolate pie, but it’s not part of who I am)–it’s ingrained in my very nature. It is part of my sexual identity.

And that’s big realization! But not one I can fully process right now. Since as I said, it’s now been exactly seven days and seven nights since the lock clicked shut on my chastity cage. And despite whatever semblance of coherence I’ve been able to muster in this journal thus far, this week of denial has in fact turned my mind into jello.

My body has been giving me all little sorts of delightful signs that I need release. The leaking that had been so memorable earlier in the week has now become a near constant to the extent that I have begun to worry that a wet spot is going to develop on my jeans while I am out eating in public. This afternoon, I was sitting to use the bathroom when a single bead of thick cum oozed out of my entirely flaccid penis. I tried finding any mention of this on some of the chastity forums I’d begun lurking in this week for insight only to discover that I had had a ‘micro orgasm’. It was a sign that my prostate was full and that I needed to be ‘milked’. I had originally planned on trying to wear a plug a bit today and tomorrow to stretch myself a little before seeing MVC, but now my body is so sensitive that I’m worried the slightest stimulation could cause an ‘accident’. It’s like I’m developing new erogenous zones now that access to my cock has been taken away. It is an exquisite torment that part of me wants to never end.

Earlier this evening, I knew I was less than 24 hours away from seeing Mistress Victoria Cayne and that was helping me push through. I had a lot of packing and cleaning to do before my upcoming trip and I thought the time was going to fly with all the distractions. But then the emails started…

The first one seemed innocuous enough. It simply said, “Tick tock, tick tock….”

My heart skipped a beat. It felt wonderful to know that Mistress was thinking about me the evening before I saw her just as I was thinking of her. And even though her teasing words had a physical consequence as my cock began to once again strain against its enclosure, I was happy.

Things heated up more after dinner. I was catching up on the news when a new email flashed across my screen without warning: “Marinating..sweaty…haven’t showered since this am…all to push you further and deeper into a submissive frenzy for Me… Where is your mind?”

Each of us was physically preparing for our play tomorrow in our own ways. Being locked away and denied access to myself was mine, and this was hers.

My whole body seemed to shake and tremble as my cock instantly swelled. Even though I was home alone, I stammered aloud, my mind desperately grasping for a coherent response to Mistress’s query. At one point, it felt so intense that I had to take an actual cold shower. But each time I returned to my laptop and saw her words I felt the subtle, dull pain of an erection that would never be. The ‘submissive frenzy’ she desired had begun and we weren’t even in the same room yet. It was a reminder that Mistress was more than capable of using my every fetish against me. And it was the greatest ‘mind fuck’ I have ever had.

Mistress then ordered me to write out some of my thoughts on this experience, which I’ve been doing my best to relay. Sometimes articulating what I’m feeling makes me so hard in my cage that I need to take a break–but Mistress orders me to continue through the night.

I passed out a little before 3am I think, and the cage woke me up around 6:30. I laid in bed for a few hours, quietly shaking in anticipation of the day’s events until my alarm went off at 9. Miraculously I’m not tired though. My senses feel dialed up to an eleven.

As I finish packing in the morning, my mind races as I consider the devious plans MVC has in store for me this evening. Will I be allowed out of my cage and if so will I be permitted release? What will it feel like after all this time? Will it be pleasurable or will Mistress ruin it? Will I be forced to eat it like usual? How much will there be? And perhaps the most important question: Do I even want this torment to even end?

I don’t even know what other activities Mistress has in store as I’ve left the session entirely up to her. I just know I’m in for one hell of a ride and that I’m so grateful to MVC for taking me on this journey and continuing to push my limits so that I can be the best submissive I can possibly be.

It’s too late to turn back now…another one is locked up!

A while ago, I had written about an amazing path I have begun with an eager Boston toy. He originally had expressed interest in chastity, but our chemistry was so magical, within a couple of play dates, the Mature Metal device has been ordered, and thus, I have ordered him to put it on. He is planning a temporary move across the country, and is remaining in Boston a week longer to serve Me. He will be sleeping on the floor, with no furniture, and all his items en route across the country. That is devotion. In addition, he will be remaining locked up. I first had him try on his device for a couple of hours, to see how he did with it, and then kept him in it for longer….now it appears My training, his desire to serve Me, and become more of My owned property has taken over any doubts or fears he may have had initially. A few days ago, I ordered him to put it on (it is a heavy duty steel device from Mature Metal) and much to My delight, but not surprise, I received this email yesterday.

Needless to say, I am one pleased Mistress. I love chastity and have put him in the exact place where he needs to be to know not only this is what I desire, but where he belongs.

As written by him:

I’m 3 nights and almost 3 days in to my chastity sentence and already I’m noticing a difference physically as well as emotionally.

My first full day in the device, I was almost constantly aware of it’s presence–now there are moments when I hardly realize I have it on. It’s amazing how quickly something new can quickly feel a natural part of you.

I can’t believe how completely I’ve succumbed to your control in the few months we’ve known each other. I’d always been a bit turned on by chastity in Femdom videos, but never thought that could be me. I can barely keep my hands off myself three or so days before a session, why would I ever want to lock myself up.

Now–as intense and sometimes frustrating as these new sensations are–I don’t even want to be released before I see you. I’m content and excited that my denial this week is only going to make our play on Sunday all the more rewarding and intense. I’m happy in knowing that my struggle and frustration are part of your plan for me.

This morning I was awoken suddenly at 5:30am by my cock desperately straining against the steel bars of my cage and dripping all over my sheets. The only thought that kept repeating through head as I tried to calm down and fall back asleep for a few more hours was: “This is where I belong. This is where I belong.”

Thank you for continuing to challenge me and for pushing me further than I ever thought I would go.

I can’t wait to submit to whatever exquisite torments you have planned for me this time.


boston boy

He does know this journey has just begun, but he has left the control to Me. It is only going to get more intense, the connection much deeper, and our journey more powerful. I am glad he is up for the ride.

Erotic thoughts from MVC…

I am writing an erotic story based on some of my thoughts that drive me. I can’t emphasize enough; the most important thing to me is chemistry and trust. I crave to take you on the journey; trust me and you will find perfection. Activities aside, an open mind and willingness to travel the path with me are what I love. These are some thoughts from scenes of late, tied together, and written as they came out. I just used the fact I type over 80 words per minute to put them to paper! Just because these focus on certain activities, in no way symbolizes the only things I enjoy as a domme.

Now, indulge.

Days, weeks, before, they remain chaste for me. Locked; not knowing their fate, as I am the one who controls it. Every time my keys jingle, they wonder if it is going to be the time I decide to open their locked cock, clitty, or property of mine. Waiting, longing, yearning, lusting, yet knowing they absolutely have no control. Their pleasure, orgasms, are not for them anymore, for they are mine to take from them. Upon picking them up, I greet them, knowing what sexy things are underneath…and are all for me. I produce a special beverage, perhaps splashed with some of my golden goodness and seductive spit. I look at them, smile, and hand them their special breakfast. They immediately take it and guzzle it down, savoring every single sip, for I am entering inside them for the first time…

My toy is taken to the car, blindfolded, and then various toys are added to their predicament. Vibrators, another set of hands, insertables, all become a part of them, as I lead them to their first destination. I had been craving doing an outdoor scene, so I did some research where the ultimate kinky activities could take place of a private trail. I lead them by a discreet cock leash, all while whispering in their ear. Aware of the surroundings and the thrill of being caught, I lead them behind a thorny brush. I find a thorny piece of the branch, bend them over, and use it to force them to rub their locked property against the thorns, all while they are being vibrated, and pinched. They are so owned, any touch, even if it is painful that comes from Me becomes pleasurable. Since it is my desire to even things out, they are now bent over and lashed with the thorny branch…

Their owned, caged, cock, clitty is thrusting against the cage, while I use the leash to lead them back to the car, where they are blindfolded again and taken to the second destination…

Completely helpless and unaware, they are led to a private place, where every single toy I am going to use on them is available.  They are given an overall inspection, all the while while I hear their submissive pants upon my body. Whatever happens next is up to me…for they are my tabula rasa.

This is just of their journey..for they are on the quest to an everlasting beautiful power exchange, where all they know is that they have to trust the sound of my voice, the touch of my body, my breath upon their skin. Their only option is to breath and completely surrender.

This is perfection…welcome to the world of MVC

New chastity Boston toy!

It is so fun to take someone on a beautiful journey involving trust, and guiding them to become your toy. These are thoughts from a very dear Boston toy, A, who had served several other Mistresses but lack of time and connection, did not allow him to serve someone consistently. For the past few months, A has made the time to serve Me each and every trip, and allowed Me to introduce activities that may not necessarily been something they wanted to do, but it was within their limits, and they just went with the process. This is what surrender looks like, and when a sub fully commits themselves to Me, it is magical for both parties. Now, fast forward a few months, they are going to become another one of my many chastity boys! Wait until you hear about part two…when they came to serve Me in My Philadelphia dungeon!


Dear MVC—

Words fail each time I try to describe how amazing our last session was together. It was a lot of ‘firsts’ for me and I loved every moment. Each time I see you is more mind-blowing then the last. Each visit drawing me deeper down the rabbit hole and pushing my limits to be the best submissive I can be.

How is it possible to be so thoroughly used and violated by you and yet feel so totally at peace? How is it that you can use each and every one of my fetishes against me and yet all I want is to thank you and ask for more? Being completely bound, gagged, and hooded by your skillful hands while being teased to the brink of insanity and totally dominated are experiences I once thought I could only dream of.

You are everything a slave good ask for, and I feel so lucky to have found you. Thank you for guiding me on this journey. I can’t wait to serve you at your Dungeon in Philadelphia this week.

—Your Boston boy

What is new with MVC?

Thank you all for taking the time to read this! I have been so busy, in such a fantastic way. Traveling from city to city, playing with new toys as well as reconnecting with other ones, but I have been having a blast!

I have often been asked what are some of my favorite scenes, and again, I will repeat: CHEMISTRY IS WHAT MAKES THE SCENE HOT FOR ME. your ability to trust Me, which comes only from establishing a true connection over time. Yes, I love playing with my sluts who love to serve other Mistresses (you know who you are and I adore you deeply..wink) but those who seek a journey and an experience where you are pushed, challenged and brought down a path that is transformative on both ends is absolutely unbelievable.

If you can’t tell how much I love this, please check out my video, which is listed under eye candy! By the way, isn’t my new website awesome?!

Lately, Ava St. Marks and I have been doing some hot and heavy scenes with lots of bondage and complete DOMINATION. I am quite aware that one shoe does not fit all, but some of these have been so hot…so for those who dare…come and experience a truly indescribable experience!

I have also been getting a lot of requests for heavy degradation and humiliation. These are very cathartic and fun…over and over again I hear that “you are the one I have been looking for”, and “no one can deliver and come up with a scene like you”. I really enjoy pushing limits in all sorts of ways.

That does not mean I do not have a soft side, however. You fetishists, crossdressers, sissys, I love you too. One in particular…I think she knows who she is…and I am very excited to continue her training and our next adventure in Florida…

I will be adding some more session stories, but for now, please enjoy my newly revamped site, come play, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do 😉

Best, MVC

For your viewing and reading pleasure…

This is an outtake of a shoot I did about a year ago. I am very pleased with most of my devoted toys, so here you go! Those of you know who isn’t worthy of viewing this image. I also wanted to post some really great words, one of My newest favorite toys in Boston wrote for me! We had such a hot scene, the chemistry and connection was immediate on both ends!

Thank you dear sub, I look forward to my next Boston trip!

“Thank you for an amazing session on your recent trip to Boston. It was clear from the moment the session got under way that you had taken the time to review our correspondence and tailor the experience to explore my interests while taking into consideration my limitations. The play felt personal and never scripted.

The teasing was exquisite and torturous. The bondage some of the most immobilizing I’ve ever experienced. I felt completely helpless, but happily didn’t experience any numbness or tingling from pinched nerves as I’ve sometimes had issues with in the past. I was amazed how many positions we were able to explore during the two hours.

The whole scene was fantastic. I felt exposed and completely at your mercy. Perfectly forceful without feeling like any damage was being done. The electric stimulation was a new experience for me and easily the highlight of the evening. It was my first time sessioning out of a hotel room, but the amount of equipment and toys in your mobile arsenal left nothing to be desired.

You were incredibly adept at sensing when I needed to change bondage positions, have a gag adjusted, or needed a water break all without breaking your control or the momentum of the scene And the forced CEI at the end of the scene was a pleasant, unpleasant surprise!

Setting up a session with a pro-domme for the first time can always be a bit nervous-making, but you made the process as stress free as possible.  I look forward to hopefully many more encounters in the future. I’d love to pick up where we left off! :)”